Categorical Advertising
Categorical advertising gives advertisers the opportunity to advertise to people as they visit websites related to their brand. The relationship between visiting a website of interest and seeing an advertisement for a related product or service can produce incredible results.
Retargeting with Geofencing
Categorical advertising focuses on an audience that has shown interest in websites or apps related to your business.
When people search the internet, websites and apps are categorized into interests like sports, travels, healthcare, etc. Several hundred categories can be used to help define the user’s intent.
A Win-Win Solution
Why Choose Get GeoFencing Categorical Advertising Solutions?
Increase Web Traffic
Get GeoFencing’s Categorical Advertising solutions offer one of the most effective ways to drive traffic. People are surfing websites related to your products or services all the time. Categorical advertising directs them to your site and sees your offer.
Better Customer Retention
Categorical Advertising is one of our most powerful tools for getting in front of existing customers, resulting in improved customer retention. Existing customers most often have an interest in your products and services with this type of marketing.
Safety & Quality Assured
At Get GeoFencing, we guarantee the safety and quality standards of our advertising inventory. Our expertise and experience in category advertising ensure placement on premium websites and apps.
We Constantly Optimize Your Advertising Campaign
Placing your advertising campaign in front of users already interested in your offer leads to powerful results. We use the newest artificial intelligence to define audiences. We can create an entirely customizable audience already interested in your products and services.
Increase Clicks on Your Ads
Another significant advantage of integrating Category Advertising in your online marketing strategy is dramatically increasing click-thru rates. The reason is obvious. Category advertising allows you to reach your target audience at a time when they are already actively researching a category related to your product or service.
As a result, categorical advertising will target users who are more likely to click on your ad and check out the offer.
Inspiring Engagement
At Get GeoFencing, our ultimate objective is to provide relevant advertising to users. Our solutions are specifically designed to optimize each category and transform the online advertising experience for your existing and potential clients.
Global Reach
The more relevant your ad experience, the more chances you have to reach out to a global audience online. This can be only made possible if you are able to revolutionize your advertising design and make it more accurate, precise, and transparent. This is exactly where Get Geofencing’s Categorical Advertising steps in.
We Optimize Your Ad Spend
We are motivated to help you make the best of your ad spend by investing in tools and strategies that actually give you results. And when it comes to implementing Categorical Advertising in your ad design, you will see the results for yourself.
Please contact our team directly or complete the form. A representative will be in contact with you shortly.
Let’s Strategize!
Let’s chat about your business. Find out what your goals are, who your customer is, and what you are currently doing for advertising. Every business is different, and every strategy is unique. We will clearly explain different digital marketing tools and why they should be included in your campaign.
Contact Us
When you call we won’t just give you a price, we’ll talk. Yes, really – a business conversation between two professionals where we’ll discuss your business, your business goals, and your marketing budget with zero pressure! We will give you the information for you to make an informed decision if Targeted Display Advertising is right for you.
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