Geofence Marketing: Top 7 Reasons to Do It
First off, if you are not familiar with geofence marketing, don’t feel alone. It’s a relatively new technology that started with military applications to identify targets. The technology has now crossed over into the private sector and is used for geofence marketing applications.
Basically, digital parameters are placed around physical locations. These digital outlines collect cell phone information by people who enter the geofence. It looks like this:
The information is collected by the location reader on a cell phone. If you can call an Uber or have food delivered, you have your location reader on. Anyone with their location reader on can be placed into an active audience and served ads. Ads will appear on almost any website or app with advertising inventory, 3-5 times a day, across all platforms like desktops, laptops, connected television, etc.. Click Programmatic Advertising if you want to learn more about ad distribution. The way ads are able to cross these platforms is when the cell phone docks with the home wifi network.
This is a very simplified, brief explanation. Now let’s get into the top 10 ways geofence marketing can help your business:
1. Geofence Marketing Targets Individual Buildings – Like Competitor Locations – Not Zip Codes
Targeting specific buildings and areas versus a 1 mile or 2 mile radius of the location you want to target builds a very active, targeted audience. With geofence marketing, you can target buildings and locations where you know your ideal clients physically go. Consider a personal injury lawyer who wants to reach accident victims. Targeting hospitals and ER centers gets your law firm directly in front of people who may need your services. A car dealer may want to target local competitor car dealerships to build an audience of people actively out looking to buy a car.
2. Geofence Marketing Drives Stronger Engagement
When you’re advertising to a targeted audience, there are three key ingredients:
- Who’s the audience?
- What’s the message?
- Do they have an active interest in your product or service?
You are getting your message in front of the audience that matters the most. Maybe it’s a car shopper who is in the market looking for a car. Consider a pet store with multiple locations. We geofenced other competitors locations and places where we know pet owners go like dog parks, veterinarian offices, etc.. Campaign engagement was incredibly strong because of the passionate audience and how granular we got with the campaign. Geofencing produces higher engagement with your targeted audience. If you happen to have a pet store, I highly recommend you give us a call at GetGeofencing.
3. Target People While They Are At A Location
With geofence marketing, you can target users while they are there at the target location. They can be on their smartphone device or tablet/laptop playing on apps or browsing websites and then potentially see your ads. For example, say you sell sporting goods. You can target fans at a baseball game. Next baseball game you go to, look around and see what other people are looking at. I bet a couple are checking their cell phones. For more information, check out Event Targeting.
4. Target Prospects After They Leave The Location
Geofence marketing serves ads to people after they leave the geofenced location for up to 30 days. Once they click on your ad and visit your website, individuals can be retargeted for up to a year. An example is a trade show. People pay thousands of dollars to host booths at various trade shows. With a geofence marketing campaign, you can get your business in front of this valuable audience for up to 30 days after the show.
5. Take Advantage Of Advertising Real Estate on Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are very powerful devices that people are using for research and discovery. According to 2021 data, the global mobile population amounted at 4.6 billion unique users. Mobile phones now account for over 50% of all web searches. With mobile searches increasing, geofence campaign effectiveness increases proportionately.
6. Return On Investment
Return on Investment is critical to any marketing campaign. With geofencing, you are getting your ads in front of an active, targeted audience. Remember, where people go is the strongest indicator of their buying intent. If you have a brick and mortar location, a conversion zone can be set up. Conversion zones track when people receiving ads in active audience physically visit your place of business.
7. Increase Branded Searches
Branded searches are when someone searches your business by name. By advertising on websites and apps, you are increasing exposure to your brand. As people see your brand with frequency and duration on various websites and apps, they are more likely to do a search for your brand. Branded searches are a last step before conversion or sales.
For any questions, please feel free to check out our website at
or give us a call at our offices: 866-951-0330
Christopher Seminatore is former Naval Intelligence. He became familiar with military applications of geofencing technology during the Gulf War. Since its crossover into the private markets, he has innovated strategies and protocols for effective marketing capabilities. He currently is a guest lecturer at UC Irvine for the Masters Business Curriculum – Hyper Local Marketing. Christopher resides in Los Angeles, California and is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. Drop by and say hi at his Facebook Page.