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Geofence ads, also known as banner or display ads, are a visual-based form of online paid advertising. You usually see these ads on websites, apps, and social media platforms.

Geofence ads are delivered programmatically.  They are placed on websites or apps the targeted individual visits.  Targeted audiences have either attended a specific location or fit a desired demographic profile.

The places people attend are the strongest indications of their buying intent.

For example, if someone has recently visited a car dealership, they may see car-related geofencing ads when they are on the internet. Geofencing is an effective way to reach customers who are interested in your product or service!

Geofencing Examples

To create a geofencing ad, you’ll need to provide some basic information about your campaign. This includes the target audience, budget, and location or locations you want to advertise in. You can also choose to target people based on their interests or demographics. Let’s look at a car dealership ad campaign as a geofencing example.

People physically visiting car dealerships are in the final stages of purchasing a car.  They are seriously considering the purchase.  It’s at this moment, an ad featuring a sale or benefit will be important to them.  Additionally, it greatly enhances brand awareness for the advertiser.

Brand Awareness and Geo Fence Campaigns

Geofencing ads are a great way to improve brand awareness and create leads. When used correctly, they can also improve your online visibility while reaching people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Geofencing can be an extremely effective marketing tool, so make sure to consider using it for your next campaign!

Display Marketing

Display marketing is a great way to reach out to potential customers in an eye-catching and direct manner. By conveying your message through visuals, you can capture the attention of your audience more easily and generate interest in what you have to offer.

Geofence targeted display marketing ads are an extremely effective way of targeting people who are most relevant to your business. It also increases your online visibility while offering crucial data about how potential customers interact with your ads. Geofencing ads are a great way to reach out to potential customers in your area. With the right tone of voice, display marketing can be an extremely effective way to attract new customers and boost your business.

Geofence Targeted Display Ad Tips:

To make the most of display marketing, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

– Use high-quality visuals that capture attention and generate interest.

– Match your tone of voice to the personality of your business.

– Target people who are most relevant to you and your products or services.

– Use data from past campaigns to improve future ones.

– Geofence ads specifically target potential customers in a certain area, so make sure to tailor your message accordingly.

By following these tips, you can create successful display marketing campaigns that will reach your target audience and help boost your business.

Display ads can be a great way to reach your target audience, but only if they’re done well. The first step is making sure they’re structured correctly. Here are some best practices to follow:

Display Ad Structure

  • Make sure your ad is distinguishable from normal web page content. It should have clearly defined borders and not be confused with normal web content.
  • Ad sizing should be flexible, as people may view your ad on different-sized screens. There are approximately 18 ad sizes. The top-performing ad sizes are:

Geo fence Ad Basics

Your geofence ad should consist of the following:

  • Your logo or company name. The logo is to increase brand awareness for your business. Make sure the logo is professionally designed because this is the first impression people may have of your business.  Affordable logo design can be done by freelancers at sites like FiverrUpwork, etc.
  • A value proposition identifies what your product or service can do for your client/customer. Always think through the eyes of your client.  What can your product/service do for them?
  • An image or visual representation of your service catches the eye of the prospect. Images need to be relatable to your audience and stand out from other visual noise your prospect is experiencing.
  • CTA (Call to Action) button in each ad. This instructs your prospect on what you would like them to do. Click here, to learn more, etc. When it comes to choosing a color for your CTA, make sure it pops off the page. And finally, don’t forget to test different versions of your landing page to see which ones convert best!

One company found that optimizing its landing page CTA led to a whopping 245% increase in leads. This goes to show just how critical your CTA is – so make sure you focus on creating a compelling one.

Geofence Ad Design

When designing an ad, several principles come into play. Designing geofence ads follows these same principles, but also has its own unique challenges. Here are the five biggest ad design lessons I’ve learned so you can get your geofence ad creative on track.

1. Know Your Targeted Audience

You know who your geofences will reach and where they live, but you need to know more than that. What is their average household income? Are they primarily homeowners or renters? Do they own pets? How old are they? You can’t be effective with geofencing ad design if you haven’t done your research.

2. It’s Not Color, It’s Contrast

The main thing that grabs people’s attention is contrast—even if they don’t realize it. That’s why you see so many ads with black text on a white background. That strong contrast is very eye-catching, even if the person looking at it doesn’t realize why they’re drawn to it.

Your customers are just like you—they don’t want to work hard to figure something out. Ads need to be very simple and easy.  Contrast is used to visually emphasize a point.

So how do you take advantage of contrast in your ads? The easiest way to find opposite colors is to use the color wheel.

Every shade on the color wheel is an opposite:

3. Simple Geofence Ad Design

Your message must be short, clear, and concise. After all, only 9% of display ads are viewed for more than one second, and that shrinks down to a measly 4% for over two seconds. If a prospect can’t immediately understand your ad, they’re not going to click, let alone remember who you are.

  • Too much copy. Between the headline, subheading, button, and the “Safe & Secure” text, there’s so much happening that you don’t even know where to look first.
  • The product or service isn’t clear. Is this agriculture? Bank accounts?  The image and copy don’t convey a clear message.
  • Visual Theme. Not compelling and doesn’t tie into the service being offered.
  • Call to Action. The copy doesn’t provide instructions on what the advertiser would like the prospect to do.


4. Where the Geofence Ad is Appearing is Critical

Geofence ads can perform dramatically different on different platforms like the Google Display Network or Facebook ads. You might see great results with static images on GDN, but according to Facebook a combined approach of image and video drives the most conversions on their platform. And carousel ads tend to perform especially well for ecommerce businesses. Taking context into account when designing your ad is critical.


5. Ad Copy and Ad Design Work Together

Copy is essential for the ad campaign to be successful.  It gets your message across to the audience.  Engaging copy and design work together in tandem when planning an ad campaign.

Think of copy as getting the message or value proposition across in as few words as possible.  Too many words will not only make a banner feel cluttered but will also make it much harder to effectively communicate your value prop. Less is more when it comes to display ad copy. This banner redesign for Delta does a great job of stripping down the messaging to the most important parts.

In closing, A/B testing is the best way to find out which creatives are working on what platforms.  One audience will react completely different to a creative than another audience.