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Category: Uncategorized

Geofencing for Events

Geofencing for Events Next time you go to a ballgame or any other event, take a look around. First, notice the sponsorships displaying on banners and scoreboards. Colorful flags with sponsored brands flap in the wind. Scoreboards display huge logos with lights and colors. Big Buy, Bud Lite, Riley’s Auto [...]

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Geofence Marketing: Top 7 Reasons to Do It

Geofence Marketing: Top 7 Reasons to Do It First off, if you are not familiar with geofence marketing, don’t feel alone.  It’s a relatively new technology that started with military applications to identify targets.  The technology has now crossed over into the private sector and is used for geofence marketing [...]

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Geofencing Advertising: Contextual Search

  For more videos explaining geofencing advertising, check out GetGeofencing YouTube page The business owners you meet have probably done a search engine marketing or pay per click campaign. They may currently have monthly search engine optimization services being done. These are very good things.  They are important.  Ranking on [...]

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